What is C.A.T.C.H.?


The Center for the Advancement of Tinkering and Curricular Hacking seeks to expand opportunities for entrepreneurial educators to accelerate the impact of individualized curricula through the provision of a platform that allows for synergy in their efforts. CATCH envisions a world in which each individual can maximize the potential of open curricula by engaging in their own creative horizons.


I attended a C.A.T.C.H. seminar, and I learned absolutely nothing!”
— Attractive White Female in Glasses
We’ve been to many corporate seminars, and C.A.T.C.H. is the most useless of all!”
— Group of Random People Clapping

Equations that make C.A.T.C.H. sound attractive to our sponsors:


E(xcellence) = M(easurement) x C(redentials)2

A(bility)2 x B(est practices)2 = C(apitalization)2